Summer’s here and it’s the perfect time to plan your next getaway. Whether you’re heading off on an adventure across new lands or you’re just staying closer to home, one thing is for sure – having the right travel accessories can drastically improve your overall experience. Whether you need a blanket to keep you warm, a pancho to keep you dry or electronics to keep you entertained. If you’re looking for ways to enhance your summer vacation, then look no further! Read through this post to learn about 6 amazing travel accessories that will bring some convenience and fun on all of your journeys this summer.
While we focus on senior travel and senior tourism, these travel essentials are for everyone.
Please note: some images may not match 100% to product as the product may have been updated after we received our images.
Also: our selections are based on our personal experiences travelling and using the products. We understand your preferences may not match ours. Please use your discretion when purchasing.
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Al of Al Murray Travel & Photography: From the time in my youth, when I would lay on our garage roof watching planes traverse the skies above me, I knew I wanted to see the world.
My passion grew after spending a semester of my university days in Barcelona. I spent more time on trains and buses than I did in class.
After earning my BA from Carleton University, life got in the way. It wasn’t until my “middle age” did I start exploring the world again. First, transversing the US and Canada to take part in tennis tournaments. Then later to complete my spectator “grand slam” of tennis.
I accomplished this while earning my certificate in photography from Toronto Metropolitan University. I am now combining the two passions and now sharing with you my many lessons learned.